For decades, 10 rowhouses sat abandoned and dilapidated on the 1700 block of East Biddle Street, a sore thumb in an otherwise rejuvenating area of Broadway East and Eager Park. Now, with the support of several partners, ReBUILD Metro has converted all 10 rowhouses into 9 new high-quality homeownership opportunities, restoring this entire historic block to its former vitality.
ReBUILD completed the final four of these homes in December 2022. The first of them, 1721 East Biddle Street, is now under contract. Like most of the homes on this block, the three-story rowhome has three bedrooms, a patio and parking pad, and a rooftop deck overlooking the city.
These homes are among the more than 200 properties in East Baltimore that ReBUILD has converted from abandonment to opportunity. In the area around this block, vacancy has fallen by almost 90% and population has risen by over 35%, a revitalization story that speaks to Baltimore’s greater potential.
“The 1700 East Biddle Street project exemplifies the ‘whole block’ revitalization strategy that is essential to rebuilding Baltimore’s redlined communities,” said Sean Closkey, President of ReBUILD Metro. “These homes offer their buyers a high-quality home in a great location, and they offer them residence on a stable and healthy block in a growing mixed-income community.”
This project was made possible thanks to a flexible $1.25 million line of credit from Baltimore Community Lending and $700,000 in subsidies provided through the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development’s Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative (BRNI).